Seat width: 330 - 360 - 390 - 420 - 450 mm
Seat depth: 350 - 470 mm
Seat height Front: 455 - 470 mm (w. 24” rear wheels)
Seat height Back: 415 - 430 mm (w. 24” rear wheels)
Seat angle: 7°
Total length: 830 - 845 mm
Total width: Seat width +220 mm
Front frame angle: 100°
Backrest height: 220 - 350 mm
Backrest angle: 14°- (-4.5°)
Footplate distance: 360 - 440 mm
Camber: 2.2°
Weight without rear wheels: 2.3 kg*
Wheelchair weight: 5 kg**
Maximum load: 125 kg
Material (chassis): Carbon fibre
Material (upholstery): Polyurethane covered polyester
*Weight configuration: SW: 330 mm. BRH: 220 mm. Excluding Rearwheels, Brake, Sideguards, cushions and other accessories.
**Weight configuration: SW: 330 mm. BRH: 220 mm. Excluding Sideguards, cushions and other accessories.