01 Aug 2018
OUR NEW SITE medicomstore.com is an effort to communicate with as much as possible people who working proffesional with the rehabilitation or with people with special needs.
The visit in our site, can give answers and solutions, briefing and support in every professional person but also in each user separately.
Our constant target as pioneers in the sector of rehabilitation, is to offer a continuous improvement of the standard of living for the persons who are involve in rehabilitation (professionals and users), but especially for the persons with special needs, what is more, our expectation is to improve there own environment, by offering in them knowledge, selected quality, tried functionalism, reliability and especially respect in the human existence and dignity.
Continuous bidirectional feedback with essential elements of communication and knowledge is our continuous effort, through out of our NEW and informed site.
We invite you, all of you to visit our site often for your constant briefing and also for the communication with us, with the promise of continuous readiness and our attendance in your own service.