This CPM has an anatomical design that mimics the natural knee movement. The adjustable thigh support ensures maximum comfort for the users as it has no support bar in the perineal area. This Performa is supplied with PU wipe-clean pads.
Designed for patient comfort:
The Kinetec Performa™ has been designed with the patient's movement and comfort in mind. This CPM mimics the movement of the patient around the hip and knee area to ensure the best possible fit to the patient. In addition, the single thigh support is designed to move across to the outside of the patients thigh, thus ensuring that the perineal area is always clear allowing better patient positioning.
Great functionality:
The Kinetec Performa™ offers a full range of movement options and controls, set by using the handset. The following elements can be set and controlled via the handset - extension and flexion limits, speed, resistive force, timer and pause in extension and flexion. The hand control has clear start and stop buttons.
Wide range of patients accommodated:
The Kinetec Performa has been cleverly designed to accommodate very short patients (children) to very tall patients using a clever frame design.
Patient safety:
The handset can be easily locked to prevent alteration of the parameters by patients whilst in use.
Outstanding range of motion:
This CPM provides a wide range of motion from -3 degrees of hyperextension to 130 degrees of flexion allows treatment of most knee & hip pathologies.
Active resistance:
The strong frame enables patients who require some early resistance exercise to work actively against the machine..
PU leg supports:
This version of the Performa™ is supplied with PU pads that can be wipe-cleaned between patients using standard hospital anti-bacterial wipes. The pads should be wiped between patients. (Supplied with thigh, calf and foot support).
Accessories include bed strap (to hold it in place on the bed), transport wheels, transport cart and trolley. Disposable, single-patient pads can be used with the Performa.
You can have the same product with washable pads